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UKSTT AGM 10th October 2024

UKSTT AGM 10th October 2024

The Council of the United Kingdom Society for Trenchless Technology (UKSTT) held its Annual General Meeting on 10 October 2024, at Camden House in Kenilworth.

Associate Director Lynn Maclachlan, acting as the Chair’s dedicated officer, presented the Chairs, Treasurers and Auditors reports and made the accounts from 2023 available to everyone.

Among the report highlights was the Society’s intention to continue working on relationships with the UK Utility Companies.

Steve Butterworth, Richard Swan, Phil Steele, & Ian Ramsay have all completed their year term of office and all except Richard Swan are standing again for election. Simon Marsh & Peter Cheers left earlier on in the year & Scott McMurray resigned last week. Richard Swan is standing down and agreed to be a specialist advisor with regards to industry Standards. This leaves seven places available.

Chair Ian Ramsay expressed his thanks to Scott, Peter & Simon and thanked them for their contribution over the years.

After completing his extended and second term as Chair, Ian Ramsay handed the position over to newly appointed Graham Howard, Picote Solutions.

The new appointments to the Council this year are Frank Sweeney, Clancy – Jason Barnes, Vermeer & Peter Guilliatt, Volker Trenchless. Graham Howard presented them with their Council Member badge and welcomed them to the Council.

Graham Howard (Chair)

Tim Sargent (Vice Chair)        

Ian Ramsay (Immediate Past Chair & Treasurer)

Claire Gowdy (Honorary Secretary)

Dawn Greig (Chair of MS Sub-committee

Leon Woods (Chair of MS Sub-committee)

Iain Naismith (Chair of T&E sub-committee)

Jim Albarella

Shauna Herron

Phil Steele

Andy Gundry

Stephen Butterworth

Peter Henley

Jill Tickle

Roger Wahl

Jason Smith

Frank Sweeney

Jason Barnes

Peter Guilliatt

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