Scott Stone – Vice Chair of Technical & Educational sub committee
Q: What is your background and what brought you into the trenchless industry?
I got involved in the Trenchless Industry through my Father who was one of the first HDD drillers in the UK back in 1988 and have continued to work in the industry to this day.
Q: How/why did you get involved in UKSTT?
When the UKSTT were looking for additional Council members I wanted to get involved to be able to assist and support the UKSTT around large scale HDD operations.
Q: What goals do you want to achieve as a UKSTT Council Member?
To pass on relevant knowledge of the HDD technique which I have acquired over the years and support and promote the UKSTT wherever I can.
Q: What do you see as being your own greatest personal achievement in the trenchless industry?
I think my greatest achievement was that after being in the industry for three years to be asked to project manage a large-scale drilling project in the Netherlands at the age of 24.
Q: What do you currently see as the industry’s most urgent challenges?
In the HDD industry although I don’t see a real urgent challenge which needs addressing, I believe that a continual focus on Safety and implementing best practices techniques should be of upmost importance and continues to be challenging.
Q: Where would you like to see UKSTT in 5 years?
In 5 years, I would like to see the UKSTT to be the “go to” organisation for anything trenchless and integrated more within the ISTT.