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Jun 24 2022


11:00 am

BS 9295- Structural Design of Buried Pipes Trenchless Tea-break


Don Ridgers – Structural design of buried pipes – Recent improvements made to the Guidance and Future direction

The UK standards and Guidance which cover the Structural Design of Buried pipes has been overhauled in recent years in response to industry needs and materials innovation. Don will outline the evolution of the structural design standard and changes that were made in putting together BS9295:2020 Guide to the structural design of buried pipes, as well as outlining the committee’s vision for the future of this guide. This will also explain why the committee believes that the guidance needs to change and be extended.

Phillip Clisham – Next steps – What we need to do to develop the next version of BS 9295

When preparing BS9295:2020, the BSi committee identified a number of gaps in the guidance provided to those undertaking structural design of buried pipes. This presentation will summarise the gaps associated with trenchless installation that were identified. Some of these gaps require additional research whilst others could be filled following desk-based exercises. Very little guidance is provided in the current version of BS9295 on how to assess the adequacy of the structural design of pipes installed by trenchless methods.


P Clisham Bio

Phillip Clisham is a Chartered Civil Engineer who has specialised in water and wastewater networks, for 30 years. Phillip is a Past Chairman of the Pipeline Industries Guild, having served on the Guild’s Technical Panels over the last 14 years. Phillip also serves on a number of BSi and CIRIA standards committees.


Don Ridgers Bio

Don Ridgers is a chartered Civil Engineer who has specialised in wastewater network matters and associated standards for over 40 years. Don is the current chairman of the Wastewater standards area in BSi and has actively participated in the development of all key British and CEN standards associated with wastewater networks. Don has been a member of UKSTT for most of this time.


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