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Jan 27 2022


12:00 pm

1st Euro Conference Webinar Part 1

Design of Liners in Germany according to DWA-A 143-2 & 

Status quo of the CIPP product standards for water and gas networks


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12:00 – 12:05    Introduction – Scott Stone, UKSTT

12:05 –  Presentation Mark Klameth, Dr.-Ing.,IKT – Design of Liners in Germany according to DWA-A 143-2

12:40 –  Presentation Ricky Selle, – Status quo of the CIPP product standards for water and gas networks

13:10 – 13:20    Q & A


Design of Liners in Germany according to DWA-A 143-2

The design concept for liners in Germany presented here is based on Worksheet A 143-2 of the DWA – Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V. (German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste) (DWA) and was published in 2015. It is a further development of Code of Practice ATV-M 127-2 from 2000, which for the first time provided the user with dimensioning aids for liners that already took into account special features such as imperfections of the liner, long-term behaviour of the material or contact pressure problems between host pipe and liner. A revision and adaptation became necessary because of the introduction of the partial safety factor concept and some other new regulations and designations for traffic loads.
The calculations are supported by examples and tabulated coefficients, so that manual calculations are also possible for standard cases. The design rules used apply to construction and operating conditions as well as host pipe-soil systems with a stability > 1. Required data for the static calculation can be provided via a form (Annex G). Compared to its predecessor, the new Code of Practice DWA-A 143-2 now also contains the following additions:
• Updating the table for the material properties
• Partial safety factors
• Indexing for characteristic values and design values
• Definition of equivalent circles for egg profiles for stability and stress verification
• Notes on the application of calculation methods such as the FE method
• Extended information on the approach to imperfections
• Eccentricity of the host pipe joints
Within the framework of the written explanations given here and the associated lecture, the most important principles and key points from the author’s point of view are dealt with, which are contained within the framework of the calculation of pipe liners with circular profile in Germany with the A 143-2. Of course, not all possible boundary conditions and variations can be considered. Consequently this presentation is only a small excerpt of what this very extensive set of rules has to offer.

Status quo of the CIPP product standards for water and gas networks

Cured in place pipes (CIPP) gain increasing importance as a trenchless renovations technique. With a starting point in sewerage networks, new application fields are pressure sewers, water and potentially gas networks. This is reflected by the development in standardization. In 2018 already the second edition of the underlying EN ISO 11296-4 was published: “Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks – Part 4: Lining with cured-in-place pipes”.
The second edition of the Mother of CIPP standards appeared after the usual period for revisions, i.e. after about 5 years. As a result of the growing experience with the rehabilitation process, there were a number of clarifications and extensions.

The new edition of EN ISO 11296-4 was accompanied by issuing the new EN ISO 11297-4, which extends the application field for CIPP to sewerage networks under pressure. Within the product family, EN ISO 11298-4 is the product standard for water networks. A DIS document (draft international standard) is already published and publicly available. The final step for the standardization work
will be the document EN ISO 11299-4, which will cover CIPP requirements to be applied in gas networks. The project is currently on hold, i.e. recently deferred by ISO/TC138/SC8/WG4 as CIPP for gas is assessed as not yet state of the art.

This paper describes the status quo of standardisation for the different renovation techniques with regard to the planned applications. It discusses the similarities and differences between the application-specific standards and classifies the state of development.

The event is finished.

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