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UKSTT AGM 13th October 2022

UKSTT AGM 13th October 2022UKSTT AGM 13th October 2022

The Council of the United Kingdom Society for Trenchless Technology (UKSTT) held its Annual General Meeting on 13 October 2022, at Camden House in Kenilworth.

Chair Dawn Greig presented her report and confirmed her extended three-year term on Council has now come to and end and IanUKSTT AGM 13th October 2022 Ramsay will continue as incoming Chair. Dawn has published a report of her 3-year term that is available to view here: The report is a detailed review of what the Society has achieved over the last few years and credits the accomplishments to the whole of the Council who selflessly commit so much of their spare time to ensuring the organisation is run so effectively. Please take a look.

Among the report highlights was the Society’s intention to continue working on relationships with the UK Utility Companies and are pleased to welcome Scottish Water & SGN as new UKSTT Patrons.

Tom Sangster & Nick Spenceley both stood down from Council. Dawn thanked them both for their contribution over the years but with a special thanks to Tom who has worked tirelessly and made such a big difference to the organisation of the Technical & Education committee. The new appointments to Council this year were Iain Naismith, IKT & Peter Cheers, Buckhurst Plant Hire. As a co-opted member, Iain has been pro-active in the Society for the last year and agreed to take up the position of Chair of the Technical & Education subcommittee.


The UKSTT Council for 2022/23 is:

Ian Ramsay (Chair)

Graham Howard (Vice Chair)

Dawn Greig (Immediate Past Chair)

Colin Tickle (Treasurer)

Claire Gowdy (Honorary Secretary)

Leon Woods (Chair of MS Sub-committee)

Phil Steele (Vice Chair of MS sub-committee)

Iain Naismith (Chair of T&E sub-committee)

Scott Stone (Vice Chair of T&E sub-committee)

Jim Albarella

Shauna Herron

Tim Sargent

Paul Henderson

Richard Swan

Scott McMurray

Andy Gundry

Stephen Butterworth

Chris Brodie

Simon Marsh

Peter Cheers


Co-Opted members – Jo Parker, Mark Lusher, Ian Vickridge, Norman Howell


Dawn welcomed Ian Ramsay as incoming Chair who subsequently closed the meeting with a special thanks to Dawn, for her dedication and direction over the last three years.


All UKSTT members are reminded that as part of their membership they are able to send li***@uk***.uk any members news stories across to be published on our website as well as featured in our Trenchless Buzz Magazine which is distributed at the end of each month.

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