Innovative NavStar Light System Set to Revolutionise Nighttime Highway Work Safety After Recent Trial
After attending Utility Week in May, Glanville CCTV Manager, Dave Middleton and SHE Advisor Hollie Cushion were impressed by a remarkable light system that improves safety and reduces the need for traffic management during nighttime highway work. This innovative concept involves small flashing discs that are placed on top of traffic cones with automatic switch-on and flash mode sequencing, enabling quick setup and operation. These lights are set to greatly enhance the visibility and safety of teams working within the highway during out-of-hours (OOH) shifts.
In the past, OOH Traffic Management teams relied on compact flashing bulbs atop traffic cones. However, the NavStar system from NightSearcher takes things to the next level. Encased in a convenient and self-charging compact case, the system even auto-sequences itself to create a specific light pattern around the work area. The setup process is seamless; simply take the discs out of the box, and they will align in the correct sequence automatically. After the job is completed, they can be easily returned to the box for recharging through mains connections.
To put the innovation to the test, we conducted a night shift site visit, with Chris Evans leading the trial. Given the versatility of these teams, handling various works on an ad hoc basis during late nights or early mornings, this technology aims to eliminate the need for subcontracting to traffic management providers while still adhering to the red book ACOPs (Approved Code of Practice) and ensuring a high level of safety within the highway.
Following the successful trial, we can confidently say that the newly implemented light system significantly enhances visibility and safety for the CCTV teams during their out-of-hours shifts. The positive feedback from the site teams confirms its effectiveness in making them more visible and safer. We are now looking forward to rolling out the system over the next few months.