No-Dig Roadshow – Wales
Date: 21st November 2023
Venue: The Celtic Manor Resort
The NO-DIG ROADSHOW is held in conjunction with the UK Society for Trenchless Technology (UKSTT) and Westrade Group.
The Conference programme will showcase the most advanced trenchless technology and techniques, in addition to case studies on local major engineering projects all highlighting the benefits of using trenchless technology.
An integral part of the event is the exhibition, where several key industry suppliers will be demonstrating products and be available to discuss individual enquiries throughout the day.
A visit to the No-Dig Roadshow is a must for all engineers, consultants and contractors involved in any aspect of the installation or refurbishment of underground utilities.
Most recently held in Belfast and Warrington in 2022, the Roadshow has played host to over 200 visitors and 20+ exhibitors at each. The Roadshow has grown and proved itself as a must-attend event in your calendar. We are delighted to bring you three further No-Dig Roadshow events in 2023 including the Annual UKSTT Awards at our event in South Wales on 21 November.
All registered delegates will have access to the exhibition and impressive conference sessions throughout the day.
Visitors are drawn from the following sectors: Utility personnel – water, sewerage, telecoms, electricity, oil and gas, Contractors, Government officers, City planners, Governors and mayors, Civil engineering consultants, Research organisations, and UKSTT and society members.
Further details will be available soon.