ISTT webinar Hazard Resilient Infrastructure and Lessons from the Turkey Syria Earthquake
Hazard Resilient Infrastructure and Lessons from the Turkey-Syria Earthquake
Resilient underground infrastructure can accommodate large ground deformation from earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, adjacent construction, and subsidence. Professor O’Rourke will describe how ten new pipeline and conduit systems have been developed and commercialized using a protocol of large-scale tests and fault rupture experiments. Contributions from trenchless technology are discussed. The development and validation of analytical models for the soil-structure interaction of these systems are also described. Lessons learned from the Kahramanmaras, Turkey earthquake are summarized with respect to ground deformation effects on underground infrastructure.
Thomas R Briggs Professor of Engineering Emeritus, Cornell University
Tom O’Rourke is the Thomas R. Briggs Professor of Engineering Emeritus in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, Distinguished Member of ASCE, International Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Member of the Mexican Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He authored or co-authored over 430 technical publications, and has received numerous awards for his research. His research interests cover geotechnical engineering, earthquake engineering, underground construction technologies, engineering for large, geographically distributed systems, and geographic information technologies and database management.
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