Bluelight lining Ltd are going from strength to strength increasing sales consistently.
In October Bluelight Lining Ltd delivered to new systems to different users.
Glanville Trenchless part of the Glanville Group of companies have taken delivery of their second Bluelight system.
This new system is a 100m large light head system capable of curing liner sizes of DN100 – DN500 in both flet inversion materials as well as out dedicated GRP liners impregnated with either our Styrene free Vinylester resins or out new Polyester impregnated resin called Polyblue.
Glanville Trenchless have had massive success with their first system and due to their current workload required a new system to increase their output on their lining works.
Installation crews have been incredibly pleased with the ease of use and reliability of the Bluelight system. With an average output of 1000m for their first system they intend to install similar amounts with this new system.
Having already undertaken their training and installing their first glass liners, totalling approximately 300m, in size ranges of DN375 – DN500. Bluelight has totally changed their lining capabilities. The higher strength PAA-G liners have improved their services to their end clients and now means they are able to deliver a one stop shop for all things trenchless.
Cured in Place Pipe lining has traditionally come with some risks and with the support that we at Bluelight Lining Ltd provide we have been able to reduce these risks considerably, combining the high quality materials, a recorded lining protocol and a reliable system, reduces stress on the site crews because they have confidence in a system that works.